Top 4 Signs to KNOW if There Are Baby Raccoons in Your Santa Rosa Attic!

Raccoons have an outstanding ability to adapt on a variety of environment. In order to stay away from the predators in the Santa Rosa wild, they love to build their den above the ground. They are excellent climbers that allow them to invade our attics. They can use the trees, and downspout to reach our roof and find a way to access our attic. After they made it inside our house, they can cause severe damage to our property.

Ways to Tell if There Are Baby Raccoons in Our Attic

Once the raccoon is in our California attic, getting them out would be a trouble. It would even be more challenging if there are baby raccoons. In this article, we will discuss some of the obvious signs that will help you determine if there are young raccoon in your attic.

Vocal Noises

Raccoons are vocal Santa Rosa creatures particularly when there are baby raccoons in the community. You will hear the chattering sound of the mother raccoon when she is with her kits. For the baby raccoons, they will normally produce a crying sound when they are not asleep. The noises that they will create are unique from the adult ones. The baby will have that high-pitched sound that will appear like a cry. 

Scratching Sound

In case you are hearing scratching noises on top of your California ceiling, there is a high possibility that there are baby raccoons in your attic. You should not easily ignore the unusual noises that you will hear. The scratching noises will normally be produced when the mother raccoon is building their nest. The scratches may also mean that the mother raccoon is tearing your insulation materials so you need to act immediately.

Visual Sightings

Visual sighting would be a fool-proof sign of the raccoon presence in your attic. Check if there are raccoon latrines in your attic. If the droppings are fresh, it can be a sign of an active raccoon infestation. The droppings of the baby raccoon will be a lot smaller compared to the adult raccoon. During the breeding season, you will also encounter nesting materials scattered in your property such as twigs, dry leaves, feather, etc.

Nipples on Females

In case it is the California season of their reproduction, be sure that you will be careful when conducting a removal process. You don' t want to separate the mother from the baby raccoon since it will reduce their chance of survival. If you managed a trap a female raccoon, check their belly and notice if they have a swollen nipples. This is a clear sign that she is raising her baby raccoons. 

In case you notice these signs in your Santa Rosa property, you should not forcefully evict a mother raccoon since the baby raccoon may die from starvation. In addition, the mother raccoon will appear aggressive if she feels that her babies are being threatened. Try to use eviction fluid that will encourage them to leave your attic and take her babies in a more comfortable place. 

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